For those just getting started with cloth diapering, it can be rather daunting to see all the different types of cloth diapering systems offered. If you have just started investigating your options, there are a number of great articles and tutorials out there about cloth diapering. Below is a quick list of the standard options available, as well as some links to more information I've found online.
Parenting By Nature - this website offers a great article which covers just about everything you could ever want to know about cloth diapers! They have additional resources with most frequently asked questions, washing routine suggestions, getting started with cloth, and more!
Cloth Diapers Made Easy - this resource centre highlights the kinds of diapers on the market, as well as covers common issues, where to buy, and reviews of popular diaper brands.
Diaper Jungle - if you have questions about what detergent to use with your new cloth diapers, this is a great place to look! They have a comprehensive comparison of different detergents and recommendations on which are best for cloth dipes.
Quick List of Diapers:
Here is a quick comparison of the various cloth diapers available on the market.
Flat & Prefold Diapers - These are large square pieces of cloth meant to be folded and wrapped around baby. They can be fastened with a Snappi fastener or safety pins. These are not waterproof and do require some kind of cover for a waterproof system. They are very economical and the cheapest way to get into cloth diapering. Generally these are available in cotton flannel, and are not as absorbent as some of the other kinds of cloth diapers on the market, so baby will need to be changed frequently.
Contoured & Fitted Diapers - These types of diapers are made of an absorbant fabric such as cotton, hemp, sherpa, and others. They are cut into an hour glass shape to neatly wrap around baby's bottom and fit more snugly than a prefold diaper. Contoured diapers will generally have no built in closures so they will need to be pinned or Snappied, while Fitted diapers will usually be fastened with snaps or velcro type closures. Both contoured and fitted diapers are typically available in two or three size options to fit from birth to potty training, and will require a diaper cover for a waterproof system.
Pocket Diapers - This style of diaper is the most popular system currently available as it is almost as simple to use as disposables. The outer "pocket" of the diaper is made of a waterproof material on the outside with a soft stay-dry fabric inside to sit next to baby's skin. A pocket opening allows for an absorbent insert to be stuffed inside the diaper, making for a single waterproof diapering system. Inserts can be made of microfibre or natural materials, and can be added as required to absorb more for heavy wetters. Pocket diapers are available in sized options (2 or 3 sizes from birth to potty training), or a one-size option where a system of snaps or adjustable closures allow the diaper to be sized from small to large as required and grow with the baby.
All-in-one Diapers - These are exactly as they sound - a diaper that most closly resembles a disposable with a waterproof outer, included soaker material, and stay-dry inner layer. These can be put directly on baby with no stuffing, folding, or extra supplies required. They are generally the most expensive cloth diapering option, but great to have around to make diaper changes by other caregivers a snap.