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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Cloth Diaper Brands

We have compiled a list of all the cloth diapers currently sold in Canada.  If you have been looking into cloth diapering, you'll understand there are various types of diapers on the market.  We've divided our manufacturers into several categories to help you comparison shop.  A manufacturer may be listed under more than one category. 

Click on the brand name to link you directly to their website.  If you are looking for retailers selling their diapers, click on our Retailer Bookmark link beside each brand - this will give you a bookmarked list of retailers to review.

Pocket Diapers:
Pocket diapers are one of the most common styles in the cloth diapering world.  Simply put, the diaper consists of a waterproof shell and a stay-dry liner which allows you to stuff any kind of fabric insert inside as a soaker layer.  Pocket diapers can be sized according to baby's weight or in a one-size adjustable style. When the system (pocket stuffed with an insert) is assembled, it is waterproof and as easy to put on as disposable diapers.  The pocket system offers flexibility as you can use a wide variety of materials (cotton, microfibre, hemp, bamboo, etc) to stuff the diaper and adjust the absorbency for your baby.
All-in-One Diapers:
All-in-one diapers are truly a direct replacement for disposables.  The diaper requires no stuffing or folding - it is simply placed on the baby as-is and taken off to put in the laundry when wet or dirty.  The soaker is enclosed inside a waterproof cover and typically stay-dry fabrics are used next to baby's skin.
All-in-Two Diapers:
This type of system combines a cover with a removable insert laid directly inside the cover.  Some systems snap the insert in while others simply lay the insert into the cover.  The cover can be reused while the insert is tossed into the laundry.
Fitted Diapers:
A fitted diaper is a sized diaper by baby's weight, and is typically not waterproof so therefore requires a diaper cover.  Fitted diapers can be made of a variety of materials but are usually made of natural fibres which are designed to sit next to baby's skin and not cause irritation.
One-Size Diapers:
This style of diaper has become very popular as a system to take you from newborn to potty training, all with one diaper.  The majority of one-size diapers have several rows of snaps on the front, allowing you to size them to fit babies from 8-35lbs.  Most are pocket-style systems, so they can be stuffed with a variety of materials according to your absorbency requirements.
Prefold & Flat Diapers:
Prefold and flat diapers are the most basic version of cloth diapering.  Most styles are natural fibres - cotton, hemp or bamboo.  The material is folded and fastened around baby with either diaper pins or a Snappi closure.  Then a diaper cover is required to make the system waterproof.
Diaper Covers:
There are a wide variety of diaper covers available in many different fabrics to suit your needs.  Diaper covers are usually placed over prefold or fitted cloth diapers that are not waterproof on their own.


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